How to be the best

Have you heard the one about the tourist who was walking the streets of New York City one day and realized he was lost? He stopped the next person he saw and kindly asked, “Excuse me, sir. Do you know how to get to Carnegie Hall?” Without missing a beat, the New Yorker responded, “Practice!”

That joke has been cited in print as far back as 1955, and it holds a lesson we can all respect today. If you want to get anywhere in life, it takes practice and preparation. Whether you’re a concert pianist, athlete, actor, surgeon or sales rep, it takes knowledge and repetition to become exceedingly good at anything.

At Exeter, one of the ways we try to stay on top of our game is through extensive training. Our Dealer Sales Managers (DSMs), for example, recently spent a full week together learning more about our industry and our dealers. They gathered in Fort Worth for our annual National Sales Meeting and spent a majority of their time together in training to expand their knowledge and practice how to do an even better job of serving dealers.

They also came together for an awesome awards banquet, where the best and brightest of Exeter’s team were recognized for their outstanding work in 2019. Congratulations to our top DSM in each sales region:

  • Central: Tom Hogan
  • Mid-Atlantic: Derek Blizzard
  • Mountain: Yvette Sayegh
  • Northeast: James DiLorenzo
  • South: Rachelle Montano
  • Southeast: Randy Dennis
  • West: Steve McDaniel

We also recognized our top DSMs for the entire country:

  • Rookie of the Year: Jennifer Tritt
  • DSM of the Year: Ryan Spaulding

We know it takes hard work and incredible dedication to achieve what these men and women did in 2019, and we’re proud of the terrific job each one of them did. We can’t wait to see what they accomplish in 2020!

Category: Industry